Dangerous Obsession: Beat Sheet Analysis


Save the Cat Genre: Buddy Love

Beat Sheet:

1. Opening Image: We are introduced to our main character, Maya, a young professional working at a marketing agency in a bustling city. She is a hopeless romantic who dreams of finding true love.

2. Theme Stated: Maya’s best friend, Jasmine, reminds her that she deserves to be loved and encourages her to open her heart to new possibilities.

3. Set-Up: Maya reluctantly attends a speed dating event organized by Jasmine, where she meets a charming and mysterious man named Kai. The two hit it off instantly and Maya is smitten.

4. Catalyst: Maya discovers that Kai is not just an ordinary man, but a powerful sorcerer from a magical realm who is on a mission to protect the city from dark forces. Despite this revelation, Maya is drawn to Kai and intrigued by his world.

5. Debate: Maya must decide whether to continue her budding romance with Kai, knowing that it could put her in danger and change her life forever.

6. Break into Two: Maya decides to take a leap of faith and embark on a journey with Kai to learn more about his world and his powers.

7. B Story: Maya’s relationship with Jasmine becomes strained as Jasmine worries about Maya’s safety and well-being.

8. Fun and Games: Maya and Kai navigate the challenges of their relationship while also battling the dark forces that threaten the city. They share intimate moments and grow closer as they work together.

9. Midpoint: Maya discovers a shocking secret about Kai’s past that tests their bond and puts their love to the ultimate test.

10. Bad Guys Close In: The dark forces become more powerful and threaten to tear Maya and Kai apart. Maya must confront her fears and stand by Kai’s side in the face of danger.

11. All is Lost: Maya and Kai are separated during a fierce battle, leaving Maya to face the dark forces on her own. She begins to doubt whether their love can overcome the challenges they face.

12. Dark Night of the Soul: Maya reflects on her journey with Kai and realizes that she is willing to risk everything for their love. She makes a bold decision to fight for their future together.

13. Break into Three: Maya confronts the dark forces with bravery and determination, proving her love for Kai and her inner strength.

14. Finale: Maya and Kai defeat the dark forces and emerge victorious, stronger than ever. They share a passionate kiss and affirm their love for each other, ready to face whatever challenges come their way.

15. Final Image: Maya and Kai stand side by side, hand in hand, ready to embrace their future together in a world filled with magic and love.

Black sitcom: “Martin”
Anime Series: “Sailor Moon”


“Dangerous Obsession” combines the buddy love genre with elements of fantasy and romance to create a unique and engaging story. The beat sheet follows the Save the Cat methodology by introducing the main character, setting up the theme of love, and presenting a catalyst that changes the course of the story. The protagonist, Maya, faces internal and external conflicts as she navigates her relationship with Kai, a sorcerer from a magical realm.

The B story involving Maya’s friendship with Jasmine adds depth to the narrative, highlighting the theme of loyalty and sacrifice. The midpoint reveals a shocking secret that challenges Maya and Kai’s bond, leading to a moment of despair and doubt. However, Maya’s resilience and determination ultimately bring her back to Kai, culminating in a satisfying and heartwarming finale.

The blend of comedy from “Martin” and the magical girl elements from “Sailor Moon” adds humor and whimsy to the story, creating a lighthearted and entertaining tone. Overall, “Dangerous Obsession” offers a fresh take on the buddy love genre, incorporating elements of fantasy and romance to create a compelling and enchanting tale of love and magic.

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