We should rename it the Weekly Thursday Newsletter.
10 weeks! Thank you for being part of the ride! We will be releasing pages 1 and 2 on December 23!
Writing/Lettering: This week I will be finishing up the first two scenes, which will. be the script for pages 1-4. I’ve finished outlining the plot for issue 1, which will be 22 pages, which will be 11 months of story. I will have the lettering done for pages 1 and 2 by next Friday.
Art/Colors: The official character banner is done! Richard did a great job. For my $15 and above patrons, I will be adding his layouts for pages 3 and 4 as the behind the scenes content along with written commentary.
Marketing/Publishing: I’m debating on publishing the comic strip on Webtoon, to help bring in more patrons. The difference between reading it for free versus reading it here is the rewards you all receive. The monthly flash fictions provide background and delve deeper into the lore. Behind the scenes to see how the book is coming along. Being name producer on the comic. I’m also looking at publishing on Comixology.com, our reading base there will be paying for the comic strip (pages). I will keep you updated on that.
Part of my rewriting/adapting of Favor of Athena will be used as a sample for my non-fiction book Writing a Graphic Novel. The aim is to have Save the Cat sponsor the book.
I’m also in the process of starting a Kickstarter. With a few published pages and original source material, I feel we should be able to gain more support to speed up production.
Here are some of the goals of the Kickstarter and Patreon.
1. Richard is providing the pencils, inks, and colors for the pages. Right now I’m essentially paying him $45/page. For the one issue that is $990. For the first four issues (Volume 1 of the graphic novel) is $3,960. This is an essential part of making the comic and graphic novel. This is also one of the reasons why we are publishing only two pages a month ($90/month) which we are close to meeting here on Patreon. Currently, we are $73 off the $90.
2. The actual printing of the physical books will be around $8,000, but that is down the line after we see how the digital comics go.
As always, thank you for your support!
Be Terrific!
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