
There are some major changes happening.

I finished the general outline of my screenwriting curriculum The major point of this is to educate on where your screenwriting can be used and to get you to produce more scripts for your portfolio.

To make the Patreon easier to navigate, I will be combining Angel Protocol and Favor of Athena into a bundle. This will go for future COMICS as well. This means two pages of each comic.

I have come to terms on the release of Alejandro Samada (Richard Capullo). Alejandro was instrumental in kick-starting the art for Favor of Athena. He completed the banner, episode 1, and episode 2. I wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

Favor of Athena will have a new artist or artists by Friday, and we will release episode 3 this month.

Ari Dynamics is developing episode 1 of Angel Protocols.

We are now generating $291 in revenue! Again, my 2020 goal was to reach $90.

The Kickstarter is postponed the new artist time to develop art.

Be Terrific!

Terrio Jenkins