Today’s Writing Prompt: Fantasy: A magical curse turns a noble prince into a beast, and only true love can break the spell.


Imagine you are a skilled writer tasked with developing a modern retelling of the classic fairy tale, “Beauty and the Beast.” In this new version, the noble prince is cursed by a powerful sorcerer and transformed into a fearsome beast. Only true love can break the spell and restore the prince to his human form.

Using your imagination, creativity, and unique storytelling style, craft a gripping short story or poem that explores the themes of love, redemption, and personal growth. Delve into the emotional journey of the cursed prince as he navigates the complexities of the curse and the challenges of finding someone who truly sees beyond his monstrous exterior to the noble spirit within.

Feel free to invent new characters, settings, and plot twists to breathe fresh life into this timeless tale of magic and romance. The possibilities are endless, so let your creativity run wild and dazzle readers with your captivating interpretation of this enchanting fantasy story.
Length: 300 to 500 words

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