Living Translation of Nehemiah 8:10

"Don’t be sad or carry your worries because the joy that comes from the Lord gives you strength to face whatever comes your way."

Fictional Narrative Writing Prompt

Title: The Strength of Joy


  • Jasmine: A spirited and creative young woman who loves to organize community events.
  • Lisa: Jasmine’s best friend, a thoughtful person who often feels overwhelmed by life’s challenges.
  • Bruce: The wise, older mentor in the community, who shares stories and lessons from his past.
  • Charlie: A playful and adventurous boy who brings energy and laughter to any situation.
  • Shawn: A serious but caring teenager who struggles with finding joy in difficult times.


The small town of Willow Creek has always faced its share of challenges, but this year, it seems more residents are weighed down by sadness than usual. Jasmine, determined to lift everyone’s spirits, decides to organize a "Joy Festival" at the local park, inspired by the idea that joy brings strength, as her favorite passage from Nehemiah suggests.


  1. Establish the Setting: Begin your narrative by describing the town of Willow Creek and the current atmosphere among its residents. Use sensory details to paint a vivid picture of the park where the festival will take place.

  2. Introduce the Characters: Introduce Jasmine as the central character who comes up with the festival idea. Show her interactions with Lisa, who expresses her doubts about how joy can make a difference. Describe Bruce as a guiding figure who shares wisdom and encourages the group.

  3. Conflict: Present a challenge that arises as Jasmine plans the festival. Perhaps they face unexpected obstacles, such as uncooperative weather or a lack of participation from the townsfolk. Incorporate Shawn’s struggle with vulnerability, highlighting his skepticism about joy during tough times.

  4. Interaction and Growth: Write scenes where the characters discuss what joy means to them. Include moments where Bruce shares stories that illustrate the power of joy in his own life, and how it helped him through hardships. Show Charlie’s infectious spirit bringing little moments of laughter amidst the planning challenges.

  5. Climax: Build up to the day of the festival. Use contrasting emotions to show the initial fear and hesitation in the community. Just before the event starts, let something happen that puts everyone’s effort at risk (a storm, a miscommunication, etc.).

  6. Resolution: Describe the festival unfolding despite the challenges. Highlight Jasmine’s leadership and how, through simple acts of kindness and joy, the community starts to come together. Portray Shawn finding a moment of happiness that shifts his perspective, thanks to an unexpected act of kindness from Charlie.

  7. Conclusion: Reflect on the festival’s impact, not just on the community, but on each character. Show Jasmine realizing that joy is not just about happiness but about strength, resilience, and connection. End with a powerful moment that embodies the spirit of Nehemiah 8:10, where the town finds hope and strength through joy once more.

Use this prompt to tap into themes of community, resilience, and the power of joy to uplift spirits. Happy writing!