For the remainder of August and all of September, I’m going to have the first four pages of Volume 1: Lust available for Patreon members who are looking for a new project to support.

We’re currently working on post-production of pages 1-16. This may mean using our new artist to redo pages 1-14 as well as having the script edited. This will lead to being lettered again by Nikki Powers.

I found an animator for the first scene (pages 1 and 2).

I also found another animator who is going to create a comic book trailer.  

The first issue wraps up act one of the story and is on track to be finished by November (our anniversary) and ready for publishing in December/January. 

I hope you enjoy this preview and consider joining the Favor of Athena community!

Pages 1-4

Writer: Terrio Jenkins

Art: Alejandro Samada

Colors: Alejandro Samada

Letters: Nikki Powers