Fantasy: A young orphan discovers hidden powers that can change the fate of his kingdom.



Opening Image: We meet our protagonist, a young orphan named Leo, living amongst the other orphaned children in the kingdom.

Theme Stated: Leo longs for a sense of belonging and purpose, feeling lost and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Set-Up: Leo stumbles upon a mysterious amulet in the forest, which begins to unlock hidden powers within him. However, he struggles to control these powers and fears the consequences of their discovery.

Catalyst: A dark force threatens to overtake the kingdom, and Leo realizes that his newfound abilities may be the key to saving his home.

Debate: Leo must decide whether to embrace his powers and fight against the evil threatening the kingdom, or to hide away and continue living a quiet life.

Break into Two: Leo decides to embrace his powers and sets off on a journey to discover the extent of his abilities and how he can use them to protect his kingdom.

B Story: Along the way, Leo meets a ragtag group of fellow adventurers who join him on his quest. They teach him the importance of friendship and teamwork.

Fun and Games: Leo and his newfound allies face various challenges and obstacles as they journey through the kingdom, testing Leo’s abilities and resolve.

Midpoint: Leo taps into his powers in a moment of dire need, showcasing the true extent of his strength and potential.

Bad Guys Close In: The dark force grows stronger and closer, threatening to overtake the kingdom before Leo and his allies can stop it.

All is Lost: Leo and his team face defeat and despair as the dark force gains the upper hand, leaving them questioning if they have what it takes to save the kingdom.

Dark Night of the Soul: Leo reflects on his journey and the struggles he has faced, finding new determination to rise up and face the evil threatening his home.

Break into Three: Leo rallies his allies and devises a plan to confront the dark force head-on, using all of his powers and newfound knowledge to defeat it once and for all.

Finale: In a climactic battle, Leo harnesses his powers to vanquish the dark force and save the kingdom, proving himself as a true hero.

Final Image: The kingdom rejoices in their newfound peace and safety, as Leo is hailed as a savior and protector of the realm. Leo finally finds the sense of belonging and purpose he has been searching for all along.

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