Category Favor of Athena

Chapter 3: Grant “She shouldn’t blame herself,” Waldo whispered as we watched Pagie and Liam leave. Paige said it was all her fault out loud, but everyone is grieving in their way. No one but us heard her.  Today is… Continue Reading →

#favorofathena #mysterycomic #fantasycomic #greekmythology #sevendeadlysins #superhero #scifi #fantasy This comic book contains mature content, including graphic language, depictions of violence, and discussions of crimes of a sexual nature. Reader discretion is advised. Intended for mature audiences only. Created and Written… Continue Reading →

Chapter 2Paige“This is all my fault,” Paige thought, watching them lower her roommate, Hina, into the ground, alongside the rest of Hina’s family. The pain was almost too much to bear. They were victims of a serial killer, according to… Continue Reading →

This series contains mature themes, including strong language, violence, and graphic content related to crimes. Viewer discretion is advised. Chapter 1 Lighting crashed in brilliant blue hues and bright light behind Athena. Her red neck tie blowing in the wind… Continue Reading →

Chapter 1: Athena 1.1 Why do brothers.s feel the need to always provoke you? Athena thought to herself as she crept toward the tombstone that her brother Ares sat on. The raindrops form a shimmering veil over the tombstone. The… Continue Reading →

Added Episode 2 to Favor of Athena Shorts

Alright so still trying this out. Did pretty well on TikTok and Youtube.  For now, I’m using an AI voice until I get my confidence in my voice again. I did the editing in Premierpro this time instead of using… Continue Reading →

Here is an Teaser Post from Two Years Ago

Back when we had the comic on Webtoons!

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