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Chapter  6: Gertrude “HELP!!!!!’  a poor woman screamed. She wore a white dress and was reaching toward us. Other members of the funeral ran past her. How could they not try to help her? The living web strings dragged her… Continue Reading →

Psalm 23:1 (NIV): 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

Todays Devotional Post

Chapter 5 Later that day, Colin made his way to the mess hall for lunch, finding the menu to be ratherunimpressive with its dry chicken. However, there was a consolation in the form of butterscotchpudding that everyone received. After collecting… Continue Reading →

Chapter 5 Tick. Tok. Tick. Tok. Nearly all the students had to have left the building by now. Even some of the faculty could be heard moving through the hallway towards the parking lot. But where was their teacher? Micheal… Continue Reading →

Day 1 of Nanowrimo! Come Write with Me!

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Chapter 5 Antonie His hand was bleeding, leaving a trail directly from the cabin. He was a coward, and at that point, he didn’t care. Antonie’s mom always said: If you see trouble. Stay out of it, and if you… Continue Reading →

Chapter 5: Omarion Omarion finally calmed down and started to think logically. The past few hours he wasn’t just scared, but embarrassed. All of his friends and himself hung from restraints naked with only gags in their mouths and metal… Continue Reading →

Chapter 5: Waldo My blood is still boiling as Grant followed me. That woman told us to respect spiders. Please, spiders are Satan incarnate, I could hear mi madre saying in my head. These were not normal spiders; I’m sure… Continue Reading →

Chapter 4: Emaj “Teresa is dead; this can’t be real,” I thought, holding back tears so my friends didn’t see. I can’t be the weak one here. I have to be their rock; I have to be there for them…. Continue Reading →

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