Chapter 7 The air was so dry and stale that Micheal had to fight the urge to clear his throat. They couldn’t risk making a sound; but that was easier said than done when surrounded by warm, dusty air. In… Continue Reading →
Chapter 7Colin“Pull!” shouted Colin.Tyree tossed a rock high into the night sky. Both ofthem were clad in their armor, using the stillness of thenight to practice their new abilities. Colin stoodpoised, his eyes fixed on the target, sword in hand…. Continue Reading →
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Jasmine I opened my eyes in fright and I looked around. Taking in my surroundings. Remembering that Lilith had paralyzed us and made us pass out. Shawn and Nas were already up while Aaliyah and Omarion were starting to stir…. Continue Reading →
Chapter 7: Salem I focused on praying to God. That is what my parents taught me. In any stressful times. When I was unsure. Go to God. I must have said the Lord’s Prayer about 10 times now. Jeremiah 29:11,… Continue Reading →
CopyCats – Chapter 6 – RevisionIt was strangely quiet being in the school building after hours. There were no indications that any students, teachers, or faculty staff remained in the building. The lights in the hallways had been dimmed. Every… Continue Reading →
CHAPTER 6Colinhe next day, Colin sat in the academy courtyard, hismind swirling with the recent revelations about Venusand Hector. Razor had been quiet all morning, whichwas unusual. He wasn’t sure if he should feel relieved orworried.Tyree plopped down next to… Continue Reading →
Chapter 6CamilleShe doesn’t remember when she started screaming, but it happened. Her vocal cords stretched out into the woods. The monsters snarled, taking giant steps forward in their direction.“Hey! Get away from them!” Antoine’s voice pierced through the air. Over… Continue Reading →
Chapter 5: Nas Lilith crept by us, studying our bodies while her power paralyzed us. I figured out how she did it. When she used her power, a halo appeared, and the last time I saw her, the night she… Continue Reading →
Chapter 6: Gertrude “HELP!!!!!’ a poor woman screamed. She wore a white dress and was reaching toward us. Other members of the funeral ran past her. How could they not try to help her? The living web strings dragged her… Continue Reading →
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