Sorry, about being late this week. I had a death in the family. February is starting out strong. Alejandro received the script for the pages and has decided to put them out quicker. We are now at 6 subscribers for… Continue Reading →
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To view this content, you must be a member of Terrio’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.
Hello everyone Pages 3 and 4 are uploaded! We will start the work on pages 5 and 6 this weekend. I will have this month’s flash fiction and other rewards done by Saturday. Stay tuned for next month’s newsletters and… Continue Reading →
Hey everyone, not much going on this week. Alejandro has finished the pages 3 and 4 of the graphic novel saga. I was sick this past week, but I will start editing the script for pages 3 and 4 for… Continue Reading →
I hope everyone is being safe. I want to apologize, we will most likely be behind this month for page 3 and 4 of issue 1. Richard and his family had some personal health issues, but everything is fine now…. Continue Reading →
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