Abandoned Mansion: A group of friends exploring an abandoned mansion uncover dark secrets and must fight for their lives to survive.


Save the Cat Beat Sheet: Abandoned Mansion

1. Opening Image:
The group of friends is driving to the abandoned mansion, excited and eager to explore the mysterious building.

2. Theme Stated:
One of the friends mentions that they should be cautious while exploring the mansion, as there are rumors of dark secrets hidden within its walls.

3. Set-Up:
The friends arrive at the mansion and start exploring its eerie halls and rooms, finding clues that hint at a sinister history.

4. Catalyst:
One of the friends stumbles upon a secret passage that leads them to a hidden room, where they uncover a terrifying secret that puts their lives in danger.

5. Debate:
The friends debate on whether to leave the mansion and forget everything they’ve seen, or to stay and uncover the truth behind the dark secrets lurking within.

6. Break into Two:
As they delve deeper into the mansion, they come face to face with the supernatural forces that inhabit the building, forcing them to fight for their lives and stick together to survive.

7. B Story:
Amidst the chaos and danger, the friends strengthen their bonds and learn to trust each other, working together to outsmart the malevolent forces hunting them.

8. Fun and Games:
The friends navigate through traps and obstacles within the mansion, using their wit and courage to overcome the challenges that stand in their way.

9. Midpoint:
They come across a key piece of information that reveals the true nature of the mansion’s dark secrets, leading them to confront the source of the evil that plagues the building.

10. Bad Guys Close In:
As the friends edge closer to the truth, the malevolent forces become more aggressive in their pursuit, threatening their lives and pushing them to their limits.

11. All is Lost:
One of the friends is captured by the evil forces, leaving the rest of the group in despair as they struggle to come up with a plan to save their friend and escape the mansion.

12. Dark Night of the Soul:
The friends regroup and reaffirm their determination to fight back against the darkness that looms over the mansion, preparing for a final showdown with the malevolent forces.

13. Break into Three:
Armed with newfound courage and resolve, the friends confront the evil forces head-on, using their combined strengths to defeat the darkness and save their friend.

14. Finale:
After a fierce battle, the friends emerge victorious and escape the mansion, leaving behind the horrors that once haunted its halls and vowing never to return.

15. Final Image:
The friends drive away from the abandoned mansion, shaken but relieved to have survived the ordeal, their bond stronger than ever as they head towards a brighter future.

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