Translation (NLT format):

Romans 8:31: "What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?"

Flash Fiction Story:

Ella stood at the edge of the stage, heart pounding, as she scanned the room full of executives waiting to hear her pitch. The journey here had been tumultuous; countless funding rejections, failed prototypes, and a dwindling bank account had kept hope mostly out of reach. But today was different.

She took a deep breath, remembering her father’s words before he passed, “If you believe in it, nothing can stand in your way.” With a final nod to herself, she walked up to the microphone. Her voice trembled at first, but she soon found her rhythm, weaving a narrative of innovation and potential that hung in the air.

When she finished, there was a pause, then a thunderous applause erupted. Several interested investors approached her, offering praise and support. Ella knew her journey wasn’t over, but with newfound allies and resources, her dream was finally within reach.

Later, sitting alone in a quiet café, Ella sipped her coffee and smiled. She felt the warmth of some greater force propelling her forward, and knew that, regardless of the challenges ahead, she wouldn’t be alone.


The verse from Romans 8:31 introduces a powerful theme of divine support and protection, suggesting that with God on one’s side, adversaries or obstacles hold little power. In the modern-day flash fiction, Ella embodies this theme not through explicit divine intervention, but through the memory of her father’s encouragement and her own perseverance. Her father’s words resonate with the essence of the verse, implying that with faith and determination, no opposition can deter her path.

The story reflects the biblical message in contemporary terms: the power of belief and the certainty that one is not alone even in the face of adversity. Ella’s success at the meeting, despite numerous setbacks, parallels the notion that with a strong foundation of support (whether through faith, memories, or community), seemingly insurmountable obstacles become conquerable.

In both the verse and the story, the central message is about resilience and empowerment—about drawing strength from belief that surpasses any challenges life may present.