Weekly Newsletter #15


You thought I was going to be late, didn’t you? Fooled you. So, what’s new with Favor of Athena?

Writing: I will be editing pages 3 and 4 this weekend. Again we will be late delivering these pages. I will also have the next flash fiction. The focus character will be Ares. For those who are new to the newsletter, the flash fiction series of stories build lore for the core comic series. 

I will start writing the graphic novel pages for February next week.

Art: Alejandro Samada (Richard’s real name) is still finishing up the colors for pages 3 and 4 for the graphic novel. 

Publishing: I started working on this Sunday’s comic strip, “Favor of Athena Funnies” which will have a different tone and look from the graphic novel pages/strips. I hope you like it.  The graphic novel will be completed in 30 months and will be titled, “Lust”. 

Marketing: Next week, I will be designing a new shirt and merch with the banner.

General: Due to Alejandro’s family emergency, we hope you understand why this month’s graphic novel pages will be delayed.

I will be focusing on my blog (currently www.terrioalonza.com) and merging it with my writing portfolio site (www.terriojenkins.com). 

Visit to see what I’m up to and I will be offering tips and tricks. 

That’s it, thank you for all my patrons and social media followers.

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