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HomeFavor of AthenaAdded Chapter 1 to Favor of Athena 1 (Novel)

Added Chapter 1 to Favor of Athena 1 (Novel)

This series contains mature themes, including strong language, violence, and graphic content related to crimes. Viewer discretion is advised.

Chapter 1

Lighting crashed in brilliant blue hues and bright light behind Athena. Her red neck tie blowing in the wind along with leaves in the air. The gray sky covering the cemetery making it feel deserted, lifeless, despite the funeral she was watching with her distant brother, Ares. The smell of his cigarettes crept its way through the air into her nose, making her want to cough. Behind them was a stone female statue and more grave plots. She rested her hand on his shoulder while he sat on a tombstone.

He has no respect for the dead,” she thought. Expecting him to pull away. They’ve been fighting for centuries. At first, simple sibling rivalry, but as their parents favortism and the mortals favoritism helped get the famed city of Athens named after her and not him, they been at odd. Even as Captains in Poseidon’s Agency. She watched the funeral and her brother as he took long drags. Not a care in the world. Then she finally heard his grizzled, muffled voice.

“The coroner reported that Jeffery Jarvis was sodomized by an object. Semen was found in his anus and throat. The killer strangled and raped his wife, daughter, and son too. This is the fifth attack on a family since September. They’re calling the killer, The Captured Family Rapist.

Saddened by the news, her heart sank as his words trailed. A family of three dead. Assaulted. Somebody had to hear them or see them. She didn’t notice her hand tightening on his shoulder.

“No Witnesses?” Athena asked.

“None. The collected DNA is not on file and it’s ectoplasmic.” his word were direct. No emotion. Athena thought, this isn’t like him. Has he changed since my suspension. Could the God of War, lover of bloodshed really change in the last ten years?

“That means a male spirit.” Without thinking she let the words escape her mouth. She crossed her arm and placed a hand on her chin, thinking. Her sadness started shifting to anger. The murderer isn’t even mortal. It’s one of them. A spirt.

Ares flicked the butt on the ground as he stood up. She could see annoyance on his face. The strong jawline lowered as his word came out low. “I guess so. You’re late.

“Sorry, Won’t happen again.” Athena knew this would happen. Part of her reinstatement that she didn’t care for. Being demoted from Captain of the Cold Case division to liutenent under her brother in the Homicide division. Athena voiced her concerns to Poseidon but this is another unnecessary punishment she had to endure…for now. His tone border on condescending and anger.

He stood there in the agency’s official uniform. Black suite, department color necktie, white collared shirt, black shoes. His hair styled to be brushed back and had volume, but the wind is doing it’s best to mess it up. “My sister being assigned to me for breaking a sacred vow? This is going to be fun.”

Athena could hear the arrogance coming out more. Before letting her anger get to her she did the wise action. She started to walk away from him towards the funeral attendants. She walked through a black man in his 60s with gray hair. Walking through living beings gives them a chill and they can see everything inside for that brief moment. To stop Ares from getting off task she asked. “You said this is the fifth attack?”

“The pattern has been the same for over four weeks now. The attacker targets a family returning home from a night out. Somehow breaks in and restrains them. If it is a male spirit. He’s a pretty damn powerful one. You sure you will be up to the task. You’re not as strong now.” Ares followed her, but she could hear him go back to being lifeless in his delivery. Ares normally sounded like he couldn’t wait to catch the suspect in hopes of a battle. Now each time he delivered facts about this case his tone switched.

“I’m strong enough Ares.” Athena looked back at him and his stoic expression. Searching for that spark of life in his eyes for battle. She knew Ares was picking her fight with her. A fight she is tired of having. All she wanted to do is solve this case. “ I won’t be assigned to you for long. So enjoy it while you can.”

“Oh, I will. I don’t intend to take it too easy on you. Not like the old man.” His words started to have life again as they both kept walking through the mortals. Athena taking notice of 7 young adults grieving. She assumed that they are friends of the daughter as the only pieces of information about the case she was given before arriving to meet Ares from the coroner herschel is that a high school girl and an elementary boy are involved. She didn’t expect this though. No wonder why the coroner didn’t go into details. The 7 gave off a certain type of energy, energy that could be molded if taught. Athena took a deep breath as she processed Ares’ threat.

“I don’t expect you to be Ares. I will prove that I deserve my position back. One way or another.” She looked backed at him to see that he had another fresh cigarette in his hand. He seemed pleased with himself as his grin ever so slightly curved up.

“You’re lucky. I hope you forgiven yourself, because I haven’t.” Athena wanted to punch him at the moment, but kept her restraint. The only reason you’re getting another chance is because of Poseidon. With Persephone abandoning her post. You might get your position back.”

“Well lucky for me. I’m not seeking your forgiveness. I don’t need to forgive myself. All I have to do is get my position back by solving this case and making you look good.” Athena didn’t like admitting that. Yeah she wanted her position back but not at the expense of someone else. Persephone, her cousin, had abandoned the Captain position. Everyone is assuming the worst as its not like her to leave like that. Athena’s memories flooded of her, Persephone, and Artemis as kids when Hades came and abducted Persephone. Athena’s heart tugged as she flet guilt about not protecting them. They were Godlings then, baby spirits. Over the years she convinced herself that Artemis and her couldn’t’ do anything but tell their father Zeus about it. Hades after all, is as powerful and crafty as Zeus and Poseidon. Trying to stop him as young as they were, would of been suicide. Rumors spread that Hades abused Persephone, but Perspehone sore that he’s controlling but isn’t abusive at all. Welfare checks started before the Ragnarok war, to make sure Hades didn’t abuse her. They seemed happy, like most abused couples in public, but nobody trusted Hades. Even when they joined Posiedon’s agency during the war with Zeus and the other pantheons. She hoped Persohone didn’t run away and that she needed time to herself. Probably time away from Hades, one of the more sensitive members of the family.

Ares placed a hand on his head as if he had a headache. “You’re a real piece of work, you know that? Let’s get out of here. I hate funerals.”

“Right.” She mustreed have tried to filter all the information Ares put out. Persephone disappeared. This family is the fifth family to be attacked in four weeks meaning the suspect is increasing his pattern from once a week to many. Her brother is actively fighting to get her to fail. Her uncle still wants to punish her. She still hasn’t forgiven her mortal lover. But what hurts her pride the most is not being captain. Not being respected as the Goddess of Wisdom because of her one mistake and how it seems to damage her. So stopping this murderer would get her back to where she needed to be. Perseponeone would gladly give it up.
“Back to the case. I will be busy, so you’re going to have to build your own team.” He looked at tAthena with a sense of dread. His free hand waving in the air at her.

“You’re letting me choose my own team? That’s not like you.” Athena kept the surprise hidden in her throat. They walked through a sone wall where a car is waiting on them. The sidewalk clear of any pedesterians.

“Oh, I still have to approve of your team. Listen, I’m not expecting much from you. Even if you are still the Goddess of Wisdom, I’m betting you fail and when you do, I will make sure to expel you from the force.” “and you are driving by the way.”

“What kind of captain wants their subordinates to fail? I swear to the River Styx, I’m going to find this Captured Family Rapist.”

“Whatever, Athena. I see you have forgotten to respect the rank structure. I’ll let you slide for disrespect. You should get starterted, if the killer’s pattern holds up…”

“Well, I’m going to stay here. See if I can interview friends or family members. You can drive yourself, sir.”

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