Are “The Acolyte” and “Assassin Creed: Shadows examples of Woke or Representation


Hey everyone,

I’m curious about your thoughts on the new “The Acolyte” series and the latest Assassin’s Creed game. Some people are labeling them as “woke” or pandering, while others see them as good examples of representation. I haven’t played the game or watched the series myself, but I’ve noticed a lot of criticism directed at “The Acolyte,” seemingly because it features a black female character, played by an actress who is also part of the LGBTQ+ community. This has led some “gatekeepers” to immediately label the show as “woke.”

I’m not necessarily calling these critics racist, but there does seem to be a prejudice at play, where the presence of a black or LGBTQ+ character leads to negative assumptions about the content. From what I’ve seen, “The Acolyte” looks solid and well-made.

So, I’d love to hear from Star Wars and Assassin’s Creed fans: what are your thoughts on these new releases? Do you think they’re good examples of representation, or do you agree with the critics calling them “woke”? Also, do you feel that some of this criticism might stem from prejudice, even if the critics don’t see themselves that way?

Looking forward to your insights!

#TheAcolyte #AssassinsCreed #RepresentationMatters #DiversityInMedia #StarWars #GamingCommunity #LGBTQRepresentation #BlackRepresentation #MediaCriticism #Inclusivity #EntertainmentDebate

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