Year 2025

Weekly Newsletter #22

Greetings! There are some major changes happening. I finished the general outline of my screenwriting curriculum The major point of this is to educate on where your screenwriting can be used and to get you to produce more scripts for… Continue Reading →

Check Out My New Post, Formatting Your Script: Tabs

My Nerdy Life: Building my Brand

I can’t believe it’s March. I’m excited because next month I will release the first two pages of my second graphic novel project, Angel Protocols. I’m also OFFICIALLlY going to blog in an effort to make this a job and… Continue Reading →

Terrio’s Tutorials Ep2: Tabs

Setting up tabs in a word processor for a screenplay.

Angel Protocol $3 Tier Added

To view this content, you must be a member of Terrio’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

Angel Protocol $5 Tier Added

To view this content, you must be a member of Terrio’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

Weekly Newsletter #21

I hope you are being TERRIFIC! The conversion of the Patreons (terriojenkins, Favor of Athena, and Angel Protocols) is going well under TJ Comics ! Two of our Angel Protocol subscribers increased their pledges! Thank you for doing so. Every… Continue Reading →

Terrio’s Tutorials 1: Margins Setup for Scripts

How do you set up the script? Let’s start with margins. #screenwriter #education #writer #entrepreneur

Behind the Scenes 6: Favor of Athena New Pages

Episode 3 Delayed until March 24

We work so fast to bring you each new episode. So fast, that we didn’t realize that we are publishing the same month as the production of the episodes.  To ensure we deliver a quality product, this month’s episode will… Continue Reading →

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