The Captured Family Rapist has struck again, can Athena track down this perverse killer? Get early access by joining the Patreon along with other rewards!
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Hey, we’re trying a new format. Here is this weeks updated schedule. Be Terrific!
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Hey, hope you are being terrific today! Writing: Pages 11 and 12 were sent to Ari. I will be completing my rewriting schedule for the novel by Sunday, May 9. Drawing: Ari is almost done with the new banner…. Continue Reading →
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Here is this weeks update! Lettering: Pages 9 and 10 are with Nikki Powers Publishing: Pages 9 and 10 will be uploaded to Patreon on the 26th Marketing: The color of the brand will be changing from red and silver,… Continue Reading →
Today we will release pages 7 and 8….ON TIME. I’m not going to lie, I thought we would have to push this installment back a few weeks due to the change in artist. However, my team is AMAZING! Writing: The… Continue Reading →
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