Imagine you have been given the opportunity to write a letter to yourself ten years in the future. What do you want to tell your future self? Consider your hopes, dreams, fears, and the lessons you've learned so far. What do you hope has changed? What do you hope has stayed the same? Do you have any advice for your future self? Write this letter, capturing both the urgency of the present moment and the uncertainty of the future. Let your emotions and aspirations guide your words.

Imagine you have been given the opportunity to write a letter to yourself ten years in the future. What do you want to tell your future self? Consider your hopes, dreams, fears, and the lessons you’ve learned so far. What do you hope has changed? What do you hope has stayed the same? Do you have any advice for your future self? Write this letter, capturing both the urgency of the present moment and the uncertainty of the future. Let your emotions and aspirations guide your words.

#writingprompt Directions for Readers: Start by addressing the letter to Read more