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Favor of Athena: Setting Design

Creating an Immersive Setting for Young Adult Novel Fans

Introduction: A Fresh Approach to Setting Design

Venturing into uncharted territory, my fascination with Stephen King’s novel “IT” ignited a newfound appreciation for vivid settings. It was a revelation where the town of Derry emerged as a character in its own right. Acknowledging the paramount role of setting in storytelling, especially in the wake of visually stunning movies like Avatar, I’m addressing my own weakness by delving into setting creation.

Crafting a Living Setting

I’ve pondered the question: How can I make my settings resonate? Inspired by the guidance of “Making Comics Like the Pros,” I’m adopting the strategy of treating the setting as a character. By doing so, every mention of the setting should strike a chord with the reader.

Building Worlds: A Crucial Endeavor

Worldbuilding, particularly in novels, stands as an indispensable foundation. From diverse locales to contextual institutions, it’s an intricate web to weave. Let’s embark on this journey, starting with the focal points of most stories.

Camden, NJ: A Gritty Backdrop

If our plot mirrors a CSI-style murder mystery, our differentiating factor lies in the characters—The Homunculi, humanized counterparts of the Homunculi from Fullmetal Alchemist (2003). Drawing inspiration from X-men Legends, we reimagine this city:

  • Challenges: Wrestling with a persistently high crime rate.
  • Desires: Aspiring for a cleaner, brighter urban environment.
  • Needs: A shift away from competing with neighboring Philadelphia.
  • Emotion: A prevailing sense of disgust.

Challenger Boarding School: A Nexus of Growth

Taking a page from the Xavier Institute, we introduce Challenger Boarding School—the characters’ educational and residential haven:

  • Challenges: Navigating the currents of change and evolution.
  • Desires: Seeking purpose and relevance, akin to explorers on a quest.
  • Needs: Establishing a profound connection with nature, rooted in the institution’s core.
  • Emotion: A pervasive aura of sadness.

Key Players: Orchestrating the Ensemble

Within this intricate tapestry, several key personas guide the narrative:

  • Director
  • Dedicated Staff
  • Vigilant Security Personnel
  • Influential Board Members

Journeying into the Ethereal: The Astral Plane

A dimensional realm, coexisting with Earth—the Astral Plane—houses ethereal beings called Ghosts:

  • Challenges: Strained by prejudiced views held by some pureblood Ghosts toward spirits, the deceased humans turned Ghosts.
  • Desires: Infusing the Astral Plane with a sense of majestic purpose, ruling over its denizens and their inherent power.
  • Needs: A pressing call for peace to rescue the Astral Plane from impending turmoil.
  • Emotion: An undercurrent of simmering anger.

Landmarks within the Astral Plane

Distinct regions within this realm bear their own significance:

  • Mount Olympus
  • The Underworld
  • The Heights of Heaven
  • The Depths of Hell

Notable Figures: Deities and Leaders

Distinguished entities that shape the Astral Plane include figures like Lucifer, Satan/Amon, Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, and others.

Unveiling the Psychic System

Intricacies of the magical system and its practitioners come to light:

  • Mutants: Born with a unique gene, they manifest superhuman abilities.
  • Psychics: Possessing a mental gene, they wield superhuman capacities and navigate both the physical and spiritual domains.
  • Ghosts/Spirits: Ethereal entities capable of impacting the physical world, akin to certain entities in Bleach.
  • Mortals: Capable of sensing and engaging with the spiritual realm, needing astral projection to traverse the Astral Plane.

Aura and Its Multifaceted Facets

Aura, a physical manifestation of mental energy, is at the heart of supernatural abilities:

  • Colors: Linked to an individual’s fatal flaw—lust, gluttony, greed, envy, sloth, wrath, or pride.
  • Psychological Disorders: Each flaw symbolizes a psychological disorder that hungers to be satiated.
  • Superhuman Abilities: Each psychic possesses a solitary ability, though its applications may resemble multiple talents.

Empowering Bonds: Favor as a Channel

The transfer of aura into objects or creatures—Favor—demands secret organization approval:

  • Telepathy: Enables seamless communication between the master and host.
  • Absorption: Bestows power and sustenance upon the master from the host.
  • Gift: Grants hosts enhanced traits from the master’s power.

Navigating the Ethereal and the Mundane

Ethereal entities, including Ghosts/Spirits, navigate the Astral Plane and Earth with ease. However, they’re barred from physical interaction on Earth.

Meanwhile, Humans, residing solely on Earth, lack the innate ability to perceive ghosts and spirits.

Convergence of Magic and Setting

With our magic system defined, and our key locations and characters established, the stage is set for an immersive journey. Our narrative has seamlessly fused the realms of Ghost and Bleach. In the upcoming article, we embark on our inaugural story arc. Stay tuned!

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