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Bee Terrific Media Blog Strategy

Greetings! I’m Terrio, a dedicated children’s book writer specializing in young adult and children’s literature. My niche is primarily centered around the superhero genre, which translates into dynamic Action/Adventure tales with Sci-Fi and Fantasy elements. My writing style draws inspiration from manga and anime, primarily targeted at young adults. I strive to incorporate diverse characters and themes into my stories, often featuring black protagonists or well-balanced representation. My aspiration is to evolve into a six-figure blogger, and I’ve found motivation in Sally Miller’s “3 Habits of Six-Figure Bloggers” and Nina Amir’s “How to Blog a Book.”

Blog Strategy

Focusing on children’s books, my blog targets both readers and parents interested in young adult and children’s literature. Within this space, I showcase my own fictional children’s books categorized into series like “Favor of Athena,” “Uncanny Copycats,” “Angel Protocol,” and “Sword Dancers.” My website operates through BlueHost for domain and hosting, with WordPress as my content management system. To enhance the user experience, I’ve integrated several plugins:

  • Patreon for WordPress syncs my Patreon content with WordPress, enticing readers to engage with exclusive gated content.
  • Uncanny Automator automates the publication of my blog posts on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, expanding my reach.
  • WooCommerce for WordPress allows the sale of my completed books and related merchandise directly on my site.
  • Prihtful for WordPress lets me create and sell merchandise seamlessly on WooCommerce, further attracting readers.

In line with Wattpad’s business model, I’ve also incorporated Google AdSense and Infolinks plugins to facilitate website advertisement, effectively expanding readership.

Monetization Strategy

My monetization strategy primarily centers on Patreon services, offering tiers with increasing benefits. At present, I have multiple members across different tiers, ranging from $2 to $45. These tiers grant varying levels of access, from exclusive posts and messages to livestreams, character letters, and more. Additionally, I’ve ventured into product creation using Lulu for physical and e-books, effectively tapping into their marketplace and extending distribution to platforms like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Furthermore, I employ Prihtful to design and sell merchandise like mugs and shirts, cleverly integrating it with WooCommerce. This multi-pronged approach generates revenue through services and product sales.

Marketing Strategy

My marketing strategy is predominantly built around social media outreach and engagement. Utilizing Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Page, and Facebook Group, I automatically share my blog posts, each accompanied by well-researched hashtags and captivating images crafted using tools like MidJourney and Canva. Consistent daily posting ensures visibility and engagement, making use of various strategies per platform. For instance, Instagram’s Bible facts reels have garnered over 100 views, affirming their efficacy. Simultaneously, email marketing plays a pivotal role. Each social media platform links to a landing page, enticing visitors to join our email list for free site access. GetResponse efficiently manages this data collection. Patrons’ email addresses are collected by Mailchimp and integrated through Zapier, allowing seamless communication.

Paid advertising serves as a third strategy, where Meta platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger are leveraged. A calculated investment of $1 per day for 30 days targets relevant demographics, such as parents of 8-12 and 13-18-year-olds, as well as fiction and superhero enthusiasts. This campaign redirects users to my landing page and is meticulously tracked using ClickMagik.

In Conclusion

With enthusiasm bubbling, I anticipate a thriving blog as I fine-tune locked and free post content. My unique blend of Christian themes and black empowerment narratives forms the backbone of my writing, a point of pride. As I forge ahead, I dream of expanding my team to encompass talented serial novelists, product designers, virtual assistants, and copywriters. Moreover, I aspire to transform my novels into light novels, thus opening the doors to a wider range of diverse literature, specifically catering to African-American and inclusive themes. The journey ahead is promising, and I eagerly embrace the challenges and opportunities it presents.

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