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Added Chapter 1 to Genesis (Angel Protocol, Book 1)

Job 1:6-22

Rough Draft

Job finished his burnt offerings to God in case his own sons have sinned. He always does this. I know because I was his guardian angel. Job left the solitude of the desert to return to town. I usually followed or kept a safe distance. Two gray hooded figures appeared after him. They drew their weapons ready to strike Job.

I moved without a second thought. Appearing before them to block both their blows. Both of the attackers looked at me with surprise. “I don’t know who you two are, but your intentions are clear.”

I parry both their swords away with my two single bladed axes. Each of them stumbling backward. No proper footing meant no proper defense. I capitalize on the moment charging both of them. With my right axe I cleanly chopped the right arm of the attacker on my left. I turned to my left striking the other attacker with a horizontal slash. The cut going deep enough to draw massive amounts of blood. My spin completed I faced the second attacker as he bent over in pain. I placed my blade underneath his chin and chopped upward. His head split into two as his body dissolved into light. The first attacker tried to run, but I threw my axe splitting his head open as well his body to dissolve into light.

I thought that was it but I sensed another. A figure dressed in red robes approached me. A couple of steps from my being. She removed her hood revealing a light skinned black woman.

“You are Khonsu? Guardian of Job? Correct?” her voice was sweet, but serious. I recognized her as one of the Grigori, angels assigned to be observers.

“Yes I am and you are Sekhmet; the chief of the grigoris?”

“I am.” She bowed.

“To what do I owe this visit? Have I done something wrong?”

“No you did nothing wrong, but God made precautions for Job. Have you notice anything different?” she asked.

“Yes. There has been another man. Dressed in black robes, who has been observing Job. He hasn’t made any moves and I couldn’t tell if someone sent him to watch or do ill will to Job. He’s skilled though. I almost didn’t sense him at all. Is he friend or foe?”

“Foe.” She pointed to Job and four more figures walked past him. Dressed the same way as Sekhmet. Job didn’t recognize them. Their presence masked by their abilities. They removed their hoods as well.

“Khonsu, one of the greatest army commanders regulated to mere guard duty. I guess you will learn not to mess with the daughters of men.” The tall dark skin black man said.”But I digress I understand the temptation. You deserve better than this my friend.”

“So says an angel of power.” I smirked. “This is where you should be, Anubis. The greatest warrior should be guarding the most sacred of individuals.” I bowed greeting them all.

The fat black man raised his head. “Khonsu, the black cloak man is not one of us.”

“I’m sorry, friend, but who are you?” I asked.

Sekhmet put her hand on the man’s shoulder. “This is Thoth an angel of the Cherubim.”

“A record keeper? Here at this moment. Sekhmet is the Lord coming? That black cloak man is nothing I or any of us can handle.” I looked at her. She was no longer looking at me, but at the black cloaked individual. I still couldn’t sense his intent. Very few could hide their presence from me like him. In fact I’m sure the only reason I sensed him at all was because he is leaking trace amounts of energy from him.

“Khonsu. The Lord is coming. Can you feel it in the air? That man, as you deducted, has been stalking Job. You have done well, but after Thoth, Sekhmet, and I brought this up to the Lord. The Lord decided to make an appearance.” Heqet said. She was thinner and taller than Sekhmet. Both of whom decided to take on female forms.

“Heqet, an angel of Dominions. Haven’t heard from you in awhile and your energy is different.” I smiled. She smiled back. She was my handler while guarding Job. “Why didn’t you tell me you thought he was a serious threat.”

“I wasn’t sure.” She looked at the cloaked man who was now walking towards us. Heqet and Thoth step back. Anubis took a step forward ready for combat. I backed him. Sekhmet flanked to my side and touched my shoulder.

“Stand down, angel of guardian and power. The Lord is here.”

The light breeze in the air changed into a funnel. The humans would call this a tornado. The winds thrashed kicking up sand. The heat burst into flames joining the swirling air. Together the mixture started to take on a smaller human form. The environment calmed as a figure stood before us in a white robe. His head covered by his hood and his mere presence was dazzling.

We all bow down on one knee and heads lowered. In unison, we greeted the Lord and his presence told us to rise. We did and were now surrounded by a chorus of angels. Behind the black cloak figure were more hooded figures with the same color, but different colored trims around the hood. The black figure walked up , but did not get any closer to the Lord.

“Whence comest thou?” The Lord spoke his voice low, but everyone of us heard him in our spirit. His words felt warm.

The black hooded man pulled down his hood revealing a paste like man. Now I could see why I had trouble sensing him. Why Heqet reported to Sekhmet and Thoth. Anubis was here with an army. The paste like man was Satan one of the most powerful angels who fell from grace.

“From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” His voice was also low, but his presence spoke into our spirits. Cold and empty. No evil intentions, but that was enough for the feeling of being dead.

The Lord pointed at Job who was still in plain sight heading towards the village. “Hast thou considered my servant Job, That there is none like him in the Earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?”

Satan looked at Job and back at the Lord. His crooked smile showed that he had some evil plan. He was still arrogant even in his expulsion. “Doth Job fear God for nought?” Hast not thou mad an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.”

I looked at Anubis and whispered. “Why doesn’t he just destroy Satan now?”

“The Lord works in his own mysterious way, my friend. Be calm.”

“You are telling me to be calm?”

Satan continue to talk to the Lord. “But put forth thine hand now and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face!”

The Lord step forward and the ground shook. “Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand.”

“Did the Lord just give Satan power over Job?” I asked.

“He. He did.” Anubis sounded stunned and angry. “He’s letting Satan do whatever he wants to Job. Like it’s some kind of game.”

“I can’t allow this. I’m his guardian.” I said

“I agree” Anubis said.

“You two need to stay calm and trust the Lord.” Sekhmet said. I felt the Lord speak to me. He told me I was released from Job and to return to Heaven with Anubis. Anubis looked at me and acknowledge he too received the same message.

Satan smiled and his army faded away. The other angels left and the Lord turned to the five of us.

“You five are the only ones who do not agree with my decision.”

We stood there quiet. The last time any of us spoke up well lets just say Satan was the last one.

“Lord we apologize for our transgressions. Even we do not understand your will. Just that you are glorious forever and ever.” Heqet bowed.

The Lord spoke. “The five of you have already committed various offenses. You are all some of my best creations, but like Satan you all have drifted from me.”

f”Lord we meant no harm. Please we are thankful for the mercy you have shown.” Thoth spoke also bowing. Anubis and I stood there looking at the Lord. His presence wasn’t warm anymore. It felt like we were on fire from his anger

“You five have been masquerading as idols for the Egyptian people. The people I wanted you to protect together. Instead you fell into power.”

None of us spoke. It was true. To better protect the nation we decided to fool them into thinking of us as Gods. We protected them from many dangers.

“But Lord we did it for you. We never abused our power. When you wanted Pharaoh to free your people, that’s what we did. We only made pharaoh believe we would fight you.” I said remembering he sent me to kill the firstborn of Egypt. “We did it for awhile and stopped.”

“Lord, if you were unhappy with us this whole time. Why confront us now?” Anubis asked.

“You have made those people believe in false gods. Their sins are on your hands. You stand before me questioning me. I have declared that any angel that defies me must be expunged and never to return.”

I could hear Thoth and Heqet praying for forgiveness. Sekhmet and Anubis still tried to defend our actions. After all we went on to do many great things.

“Why do you love the humans more than us?” Anubis said. This is how most of us angels felt, but did not express.

The Lord didn’t respond. He faded away, but in our spirits we heard him for the final time. “You are no longer welcome in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

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