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Rediscovering Identity and Embracing Mission

IntroductionIn the book of Matthew, it is written, “What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31). These profound words remind us of our inherent worth and the importance of understanding our true identity, which is not defined by our vocations or circumstances. Let us explore the journey of rediscovering our identity and embracing our unique mission.

Uncommon Key: Beyond “Doing” to “Being”It is crucial to recognize that our identity is not a vocational question, but rather it is defined by the Creator. As stated in The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge, “Your identity is defined by the God who made you, and it doesn’t change with circumstances. Remind yourself to not get so caught up in ‘doing’ that you forget about ‘being'” (Dungy & Whitaker, p. 194). Let us free ourselves from the tendency to tie our worth solely to our actions and accomplishments, and instead focus on embracing who we are at our core.

Struggles with Identity and WorthMany of us have experienced the struggle of tying our worth and identity to our occupations or external expectations. Whether as a soldier, teacher, or in various relationships, we may have unknowingly placed excessive pressure on ourselves to be perfect, leading to self-sabotage and a sense of loss. We must shift our focus from external achievements to discovering and nurturing our inner selves.

Embracing True IdentityRecognizing our empathetic and sensitive nature can be a powerful step towards embracing our true identity. Despite doubts or criticism, acknowledging our inherent qualities, such as being a writer or possessing other talents, allows us to move beyond mere “doing” and fully embrace who we are. Let us remember that our empathy and innate qualities are gifts from a higher power, shaping us into individuals capable of making a positive impact.

Internal Focus for Peace and ValidationRather than seeking validation from external sources, we should shift our focus internally, remembering who God has called us to be. By prioritizing our internal growth and values, we can find peace and validation that surpasses any external circumstance. The journey towards self-acceptance and embracing our divine purpose leads us to a place of true fulfillment.

Mission: Promoting Black Voices with EmpathyEmbracing our core values is crucial for our mission in life. For example, promoting black voices with empathy requires a focused view on a marginalized community, ensuring inclusivity without excluding others. Understanding the excitement and impact of representation, particularly for children of color, helps us shape our mission and amplify their voices. Whether as a writer, coach, teacher, or in any occupation or relationship, let us remember our empathetic, people-oriented nature and strive to live that truth.

The How, Not Just the WhatWhile pursuing our missions, we must prioritize the “how” rather than solely focusing on the “what.” For instance, letting empathy lead our writing when promoting black voices in comics and novels becomes essential. By aligning our values with our actions, we can ensure our success while staying true to our core selves.

Service and JoyA shift towards being of service to others often brings joy and fulfillment. This perspective allows us to change the format of our endeavors, such as the YouTube series “Instagram Roundup.” Dedicate a significant amount of time to reviewing other black comic creators, prioritizing their needs and wants. While not ignoring personal desires, avoiding selfishness and embracing a service-oriented approach leads to joy and satisfaction.

ConclusionIn our journey towards rediscovering our identity and embracing our unique mission, let us remember that we are children of God, designed with inherent qualities and purposes. By focusing on our core values and the how rather than the what, we can find peace, validation, and true fulfillment. Let empathy and service guide our path, promoting inclusivity and amplifying marginalized voices. Embracing our identity and living our truth will enable us to make a meaningful impact and bring joy to ourselves and others.

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